Emotional Fears...
I am sure most of us, if not all, experienced emotional fears in some point in our lives or our walk with Christ. But the question is, how did you deal with your emotional fears?
Most people will try to avoid facing head ons their emotional fears, the mere thought of doing so terrifies them and put them instead to a passivity. But knowing it and knowing it's there to deal with and not doing anything about it is just prolonging the task, and in doing so, making us feel more inadequate to do anything.
To the point we ended up with all these negative emotions added to the ones that we are trying to avoid dealing with. The fact is, we really, we can't do it on our own. We need the strength emotionally and spiritually from above to cope with it, not to mention physically (as some gets really physically sick just thinking about it).
I think that, we should learn to process our emotional fears and analyze them for what it really is. Why we avoid facing or dealing with it? Some emotional fears are just really "thoughts" that are conceived and been nurtured in our minds for a long time to the point that we believe in it, and the fear took it's territory in our minds and hearts. That it paralyzes us sometimes (if not always) to do anything about it. I beleive that is why, as Paul said, we have to renew our minds. As the mind is the battle ground that Satan always target to start his schemes to put doubt in ourselves or in God.
People try to do it on their own as they seem confident to do so, but most of the time they ended up with bruises, beaten down emotionally, spiritually and physically (getting sick). And when that moment of feeling defeat, then most of the time (if not always) people that are discouraged, depressed, and all other negative emotions that comes within them, brings them to isolate themselves from others. And that's what the enemy wants us to do, to isolate ourselves from others so that the enemy is free to beat us more with negative thoughts and emotions.
Emotional fears (i.e. fear to get hurt, to fall inlove, to let go, etc.) are fears that we can really deal with head ons if we just process them and find out where those fears come from and start working from there. Some of those fears we experienced from past and some of those fears are just thoughts and second hand informations.
There is always a risk of getting hurt. John Christopher said "you have to have been a have-been, before being a has-been. which is way better than being a never-been." We can never really know how it is if we never been there. I am not saying that we have to go through to the pain or fear. What i am saying is that, if we have to go through it, we just have to ask God to help us to go through it. Learn from it, and share the wisdom and things that we learned from going through it.
I always believe that most of the times the negative things that comes into our lives really help us to be a better person and it helps to build our character in the process. I see it as an opportunity to grow and develop my character. Most of the things that we been through in life, (especially hard ones) are the ones that push us out from comfort zone and in the process, helps us discover things that we will not discover if we stayed in our comfort zone.
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